Monday, January 26, 2009
Leaving the party, not the Party - An Open Letter to the DC Republican Committee
I had initially felt it better to simply leave quietly; however the party has asked me to make a statement, and I must oblige. I start by saying: “I am leaving the party, not the Party!” But, why am I resigning my membership?
The DC Republican Committee (DCRC) has proven itself not only ineffective but also apathetic to the needs of an inner-city, predominantly Black community. Through my own rebuffed efforts and from knowledge of similar expressions of others, these sentiments have been confirmed. The DCRC remains more of a “members-only” city club that seems to prefer its exclusivity to actual political organizing.
In his book, Party Government, E. E. Schattschneider defines a political party “in terms of its purpose and in terms of the methods used to attain its purpose.” He goes on to describe the primary purpose of a political party as the attainment of power, which is “control of the government.” Schattschneider says that the very life of a party is founded upon either the possession of power or the reasonable expectation that the efforts expended will be successful in the near future.
He says that one does not make something a party simply be calling it a party. The existence of a political party, ergo, is rooted in fact and not in nomenclature. The seminal question is thus: does an organization - in fact - have control of the government, or does it - in fact - have the ability to create popular belief that it will take control of the government in the near future.
Clearly, the DCGOP does not have control of the District Government. Moreover, we must be certain that there are few if any who would sincerely believe it possible for the DCGOP to attain control of the District Government in the near future. Dr. Schattschneider is the former President of the American Political Science Association and a Columbia University educated scholar. Unless we are willing to argue that his statements have no merit, we must agree that the DCGOP is not a political party.
So, I am leaving the party, but not the Party. I must be about the business of political organizing. And, that is something the DCRC seems - at present - unwilling to do. In the face of stinging National and local defeats, the DCGOP seems committed to a failed (so-called urban) agenda of platitudes that lack the ability to gain popular support.
Chairman Kabel says we need to renew our image. But, how do we renew that image by putting forward the same faces? How is it that in a city where the population is about 60% Black, the DCRC Leadership (Chair, Committeeman & Committeewoman) is 100% White?
The common method by which a party achieves its purpose is through popular support. How does the DCRC envision building support amongst Black people with an all-White and socially detached leadership? Do we really expect the people en masse to accept the hand-picked Blacks that will be sent to them in a feigned effort at “diversity?”
In the aftermath of the Obama Election, “change” is definitely the buzz word. And, obviously we need change. Yet, the DCRC rather take issue with me for embracing change than with itself for remaining obstinate. DC is Chocolate City - whether you like it or not. So, any party that intends to be viable must either embrace and address the issues of the majority or hope and wait for gentrification. It seems as if the DCRC is placing its chips on the latter.
There is no excuse for the failings of the DCRC. This city is run by into the ground by Democrats. And, the District is failing all of its residents, especially Black Washingtonians.
The District has one of the most corrupt governments in the Union. We have the worst schools. We are competitive for the worst crime rates and worst healthcare. The District has one of the highest rates of unemployment and (by far) the highest rate of chronic homelessness. No one with a pulse can deny that “Change Must Come to DC!”
All of this lackluster governance in a Democrat-controlled City. Yet despite the malfeasance in government, the DCGOP remains powerless - unable to show any viability. Our Leadership touts “all the gains” made by the party while people are forced to live in filth. I cannot, in good conscience, remain part of a club that considers self-serving power of more value than the empowering principles of republicanism.
So, I am leaving the party, but not the Party. I am and will remain true to the principles of Frederick Douglass, Charles Sumner and others. And should the DCGOP come to remember those principles, commit to their application, and refrain from exclusivity I will eagerly work to be of use to the party. In the meantime, I must seek out and join with those who are serious about the work of political organizing and upliftment to more than just a chosen few.
As such, I am resigning my membership in the DC Republican Committee effective immediately.
Jabriel Ballentine
Chair, DC Black Republican Council
The DC Republican Committee (DCRC) has proven itself not only ineffective but also apathetic to the needs of an inner-city, predominantly Black community. Through my own rebuffed efforts and from knowledge of similar expressions of others, these sentiments have been confirmed. The DCRC remains more of a “members-only” city club that seems to prefer its exclusivity to actual political organizing.
In his book, Party Government, E. E. Schattschneider defines a political party “in terms of its purpose and in terms of the methods used to attain its purpose.” He goes on to describe the primary purpose of a political party as the attainment of power, which is “control of the government.” Schattschneider says that the very life of a party is founded upon either the possession of power or the reasonable expectation that the efforts expended will be successful in the near future.
He says that one does not make something a party simply be calling it a party. The existence of a political party, ergo, is rooted in fact and not in nomenclature. The seminal question is thus: does an organization - in fact - have control of the government, or does it - in fact - have the ability to create popular belief that it will take control of the government in the near future.
Clearly, the DCGOP does not have control of the District Government. Moreover, we must be certain that there are few if any who would sincerely believe it possible for the DCGOP to attain control of the District Government in the near future. Dr. Schattschneider is the former President of the American Political Science Association and a Columbia University educated scholar. Unless we are willing to argue that his statements have no merit, we must agree that the DCGOP is not a political party.
So, I am leaving the party, but not the Party. I must be about the business of political organizing. And, that is something the DCRC seems - at present - unwilling to do. In the face of stinging National and local defeats, the DCGOP seems committed to a failed (so-called urban) agenda of platitudes that lack the ability to gain popular support.
Chairman Kabel says we need to renew our image. But, how do we renew that image by putting forward the same faces? How is it that in a city where the population is about 60% Black, the DCRC Leadership (Chair, Committeeman & Committeewoman) is 100% White?
The common method by which a party achieves its purpose is through popular support. How does the DCRC envision building support amongst Black people with an all-White and socially detached leadership? Do we really expect the people en masse to accept the hand-picked Blacks that will be sent to them in a feigned effort at “diversity?”
In the aftermath of the Obama Election, “change” is definitely the buzz word. And, obviously we need change. Yet, the DCRC rather take issue with me for embracing change than with itself for remaining obstinate. DC is Chocolate City - whether you like it or not. So, any party that intends to be viable must either embrace and address the issues of the majority or hope and wait for gentrification. It seems as if the DCRC is placing its chips on the latter.
There is no excuse for the failings of the DCRC. This city is run by into the ground by Democrats. And, the District is failing all of its residents, especially Black Washingtonians.
The District has one of the most corrupt governments in the Union. We have the worst schools. We are competitive for the worst crime rates and worst healthcare. The District has one of the highest rates of unemployment and (by far) the highest rate of chronic homelessness. No one with a pulse can deny that “Change Must Come to DC!”
All of this lackluster governance in a Democrat-controlled City. Yet despite the malfeasance in government, the DCGOP remains powerless - unable to show any viability. Our Leadership touts “all the gains” made by the party while people are forced to live in filth. I cannot, in good conscience, remain part of a club that considers self-serving power of more value than the empowering principles of republicanism.
So, I am leaving the party, but not the Party. I am and will remain true to the principles of Frederick Douglass, Charles Sumner and others. And should the DCGOP come to remember those principles, commit to their application, and refrain from exclusivity I will eagerly work to be of use to the party. In the meantime, I must seek out and join with those who are serious about the work of political organizing and upliftment to more than just a chosen few.
As such, I am resigning my membership in the DC Republican Committee effective immediately.
Jabriel Ballentine
Chair, DC Black Republican Council
Saturday, October 25, 2008
The Police are only Trained to Shoot!
Yesterday (Oct. 24th, 2008), Corporal Brett Etzler of the Montgomery County Sheriff's Department shot and killed Warren S. Watkins.

Mr. Watkins was 40 years old, and had stolen a necklace from Kay Jewelers. The necklace was worth about $500 - obviously more than this man's life!
Corporal Etzler is a 12 year veteran with the Sheriff's Office, and is on leave with pay. This is the same Corporal Etzler, who in January of 1998 (according to The Frederick Post - 01/17/98) subdued a woman who barricaded herslef in her home, boobie-trapped it with paint and was weilding a hammer. He didn't shoot and kill her. But, the team of officers distracted the woman and corralled her, then taking her to a local hospital for mental evaluation. I could be wrong, but I'm willing to bet this woman was White.
When it comes to Black people, however, the police are only trained to shoot!
My father is a retired Chief Deputy US Marshall, and former Commissioner of Police among other posts in over 30 years of law enforcement experience. So, I am well aware of proper police proceedure. And, police are only justified to use deadly force if they are in danger or if the lives of others are in danger.
There's no way that a police officer could be in life-threatening danger from a man with a pair of scissors!
According to Sheriff Chuck Jenkins, Corporal Brett Etzler "was assisting three Maryland State Troopers when he shot" Warren S. Watkins.
On the Maryland State Police Academy site, we read:

They also proudly state:
If that is the case, why do four of "Maryland's Finest" need to shoot ONE man armed with a pair of scissors?Mr. Watkins was 40 years old, and had stolen a necklace from Kay Jewelers. The necklace was worth about $500 - obviously more than this man's life!
Corporal Etzler is a 12 year veteran with the Sheriff's Office, and is on leave with pay. This is the same Corporal Etzler, who in January of 1998 (according to The Frederick Post - 01/17/98) subdued a woman who barricaded herslef in her home, boobie-trapped it with paint and was weilding a hammer. He didn't shoot and kill her. But, the team of officers distracted the woman and corralled her, then taking her to a local hospital for mental evaluation. I could be wrong, but I'm willing to bet this woman was White.
When it comes to Black people, however, the police are only trained to shoot!
My father is a retired Chief Deputy US Marshall, and former Commissioner of Police among other posts in over 30 years of law enforcement experience. So, I am well aware of proper police proceedure. And, police are only justified to use deadly force if they are in danger or if the lives of others are in danger.
There's no way that a police officer could be in life-threatening danger from a man with a pair of scissors!
According to Sheriff Chuck Jenkins, Corporal Brett Etzler "was assisting three Maryland State Troopers when he shot" Warren S. Watkins.
On the Maryland State Police Academy site, we read:
They also proudly state:
You will learn defensive tactics (including boxing and martial arts) and officer survival.
Sheriff Jenkins tried to say that the attack was life-threatening:
Officers had chased the suspect on foot from the mall into a nearby
office park. The confrontation with the deputy and troopers took place
in a grassy area near the intersection of New Horizon Way and Spectrum
Drive."The gentleman lunged at the troopers," Jenkins said.
attack, he said, came within a few feet of the troopers and was
life-threatening when the deputy fired his SIG Sauer 9 mm service
WHAT!? An attack on four highly trained officers, by a man with scissors was life-threatening? If that's the case, then we're really not safe. If that's the case we definitely need an entirely new police force to protect us! If the police are afraid of a pair of scissors, we have absolutely NO HOPE! It's obvious that the police are only trained to shoot.
Sheriff Jenkins also stated that more than one shot was fired (at the man armed with scissors). Yet, as life-threatening as this encounter was, none of the officers were injured - not even a shirt was cut! Jenkins said that the scissors were a "deadly weapon capable of piercing body armor."
You've got to love these folks! They know the key words to say in order to justify their ridiculous claims! I can beat a man with a pair of scissors. You can beat a man with a pair of scissors. And, it's for damn sure that if I went to police academy I better be able to beat a man armed with a pair of scissors! If not, the State of Maryland really needs to reconsider whether or not it's worth it to fund the police academy. It obviously is not preparing officers for their duty.
There is nothing that could justify this shooting. But, they get away with this crap because we argue it was racial. It was racial - but the thing about racism is, you can't prove it in Court. What is provable, is that it was unjustified. What is provable is that the criminal/victim was outnumbered - by highly trained individuals. What is provable is that the victim was cornered and had nowhere left to go. Obviously, a man who will attack four police officers is out of his mind. So, we know he was also erratic. Certainly it is provable that officers who are trained to remain calm under pressure can subdue an erratic individual without use of deadly force. But, the police are only trained to shoot!
What do you think?
Sheriff Jenkins also stated that more than one shot was fired (at the man armed with scissors). Yet, as life-threatening as this encounter was, none of the officers were injured - not even a shirt was cut! Jenkins said that the scissors were a "deadly weapon capable of piercing body armor."
You've got to love these folks! They know the key words to say in order to justify their ridiculous claims! I can beat a man with a pair of scissors. You can beat a man with a pair of scissors. And, it's for damn sure that if I went to police academy I better be able to beat a man armed with a pair of scissors! If not, the State of Maryland really needs to reconsider whether or not it's worth it to fund the police academy. It obviously is not preparing officers for their duty.
There is nothing that could justify this shooting. But, they get away with this crap because we argue it was racial. It was racial - but the thing about racism is, you can't prove it in Court. What is provable, is that it was unjustified. What is provable is that the criminal/victim was outnumbered - by highly trained individuals. What is provable is that the victim was cornered and had nowhere left to go. Obviously, a man who will attack four police officers is out of his mind. So, we know he was also erratic. Certainly it is provable that officers who are trained to remain calm under pressure can subdue an erratic individual without use of deadly force. But, the police are only trained to shoot!
What do you think?
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Are they Killing Us Off?

If you look at this chart, and understand the implications, you can't help but weep. About 56% percent of Chocolate City is still Black. And, more than half of the children in the City live in poor or near poor condition. Nearly half of the children in D.C. live in households where no one has education beyond high school. And with a public school system ranked among the worst in the Country, there's definitely going to be continued problems.
Today, there was an article about a study conducted by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. There is a breakdown by State (D.C. included). And, the numbers from the District or troubling at best. However, a scan of today's news is equally disturbing.
Maybe I'm wrong (please correct me if so), but I have found no local newspaper addressing this study. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution got it right for their City. But, who's addressing Chocolate City? This is a damning report!
I mean look at this next chart:
Look at the gap in infant mortality rates! As noted in the study, infants born to mothers with less education are more likely to die before their first birthday. Again, almost half of children in Chocolate City live in these vulnerable environments. And, over two-thirds of children in the District are Black.
But, here we are in a Black City, run by a Black Mayor and a Black Director of Health, facing an infant mortality rate that is FIVE TIMES both the National Average and the rate for Whites in the District. Why is that? It's almost as if the idea is to either move us out or kill us off, to make way for something different. Extreme? Maybe...but, maybe not!
Moreover, the Democrats have dubbed themselves the Party of the people and made Universal Healthcare a part of their agenda. Yet in a City overwhelmingly Democrat, with nearly an all Democrat government and Council, we still live in a City that ranks 51st in terms of the gap in infant mortality and 45th in terms of the gap in children's health status by family income. (Oh - There are only 51 choices in the study, so 51st = last place).
But, DC is Chocolate City! And, we must defend it. I tried contacting the Department of Health, but (as is typical in government) no one answered the phone and I was connected to voicemail. I didn't leave a message but will try to speak with someone over there. How can we allow the City to remain silent on this? I encourage you to call as well: 202.442.5955.
Become a Chocolate City Defender! Apparently, no one in government is...
Today, there was an article about a study conducted by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. There is a breakdown by State (D.C. included). And, the numbers from the District or troubling at best. However, a scan of today's news is equally disturbing.
Maybe I'm wrong (please correct me if so), but I have found no local newspaper addressing this study. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution got it right for their City. But, who's addressing Chocolate City? This is a damning report!
I mean look at this next chart:

But, here we are in a Black City, run by a Black Mayor and a Black Director of Health, facing an infant mortality rate that is FIVE TIMES both the National Average and the rate for Whites in the District. Why is that? It's almost as if the idea is to either move us out or kill us off, to make way for something different. Extreme? Maybe...but, maybe not!
Moreover, the Democrats have dubbed themselves the Party of the people and made Universal Healthcare a part of their agenda. Yet in a City overwhelmingly Democrat, with nearly an all Democrat government and Council, we still live in a City that ranks 51st in terms of the gap in infant mortality and 45th in terms of the gap in children's health status by family income. (Oh - There are only 51 choices in the study, so 51st = last place).
But, DC is Chocolate City! And, we must defend it. I tried contacting the Department of Health, but (as is typical in government) no one answered the phone and I was connected to voicemail. I didn't leave a message but will try to speak with someone over there. How can we allow the City to remain silent on this? I encourage you to call as well: 202.442.5955.
Become a Chocolate City Defender! Apparently, no one in government is...
DC Government,
Saturday, September 6, 2008
2nd Amendment Rights vs. Gun Control in the Inner-City
Last week I attended Congressman Ron Paul's (Campaign for Liberty) Rally for the Republic, in Minneapolis, MN. Now I have always been against gun control, but what I heard at this event help to further shape my perspective.
In a statement dated March 12, 2007, Ron Paul said:
Governor Mike Huckabee states:
And yes, there is crime but Mike Huckabee address this:
Gun control is not the answer! As Ron Paul goes on to state:
Again, to quote Governor Huckabee:
In a statement dated March 12, 2007, Ron Paul said:
In the 1700s, militias were local groups made up of ordinary citizens. They were not under federal control! As a practical matter, many of them were barely under the control of colonial or state authorities. When the 2nd Amendment speaks of a "well-regulated militia," it means local groups of individuals operating to protect their own families, homes, and communities. They regulated themselves because it was necessary and in their own interest to do so.In many inner-city communities across the Country, we are subject to police-state policies and the tyranny of the police force. In DC, we have been subjected to so-called "Neighborhood Safety Zones," the ever-present hum of Police Helicopters, and the intrusive presence of strobe lighting.
Governor Mike Huckabee states:
Our Founding Fathers, having endured the tyranny of the British Empire, wanted to guarantee our God-given liberties. They devised our three branches of government and our system of checks and balances. But they were still concerned that the system could fail, and that we might someday face a new tyranny from our own government. They wanted us to be able to defend ourselves, and that’s why they gave us the Second Amendment. They knew that a government facing an armed populace was less likely to take away our rights, while a disarmed population wouldn’t have much hope. As Ronald Reagan reminded us, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.” Without our Second Amendment rights, all of our other rights aren’t inalienable, they’re just “on loan” from the government.Former Minnesota Governor, Jesse Ventura also reminds us that the Second Amendment is not about hunting but about the ability of the people to "rise up" if the government "gets out of control."
And yes, there is crime but Mike Huckabee address this:
I once saw a bumper sticker that said, “Criminals prefer unarmed victims.” Criminals will always find a way to get guns. By disarming our law-abiding citizens, we take away the strongest deterrent to violent criminals - the uncertainty that they don’t know who is helpless and who is armed. Our law enforcement officials can’t be everywhere, all the time. Lawfully-armed citizens back them up and prevent robberies, rapes, and the murder of innocents. Right after Katrina, with law enforcement non-existent, many victims were able to protect their lives, their homes, and their precious supplies of food and water only because they were armed.All of the violence in the Trinidad Community - for example - would not be possible if law-abiding DC residents had guns. What we don't need is the police-state of so-called "Neighborhood Safety Zones." If - for instance - the original Black Panther Party were in place, there would be no crime in Trinidad...there would be no influx of gang activity. And, if the original Black Panther Party were in place, the police would think twice about invading our communities.
Gun control is not the answer! As Ron Paul goes on to state:
Unarmed, the Black Community is always in danger of being invaded by government forces who infringe upon the people's freedom. And, it's only in the Black Community where gun control policies are so rampant. We must wonder why. But, there is no excuse for usurping a people's Constitutional rights...there is no justification for these policies.Gun control historically serves as a gateway to tyranny. Tyrants from Hitler to Mao to Stalin have sought to disarm their own citizens, for the simple reason that unarmed people are easier to control. Our Founders, having just expelled the British army, knew that the right to bear arms serves as the guardian of every other right. This is the principle so often ignored by both sides in the gun control debate. Only armed citizens can resist tyrannical government.
Again, to quote Governor Huckabee:
Other candidates believe gun control should be determined geographically, but Second Amendment rights belong to individuals, not cities or states. Your Second Amendment rights don’t change when you change your address.DC is Chocolate City, and we must defend it.
DC Police,
Gun Control,
Neighborhood Safety Zones
Friday, August 15, 2008
Seasons Change - Madd Things Rearrange...
Let this be a message to those of you who ride this sign on Florida Ave, NE everyday. "Pretty soon, you won't recognize the place. Promise." What do you think Sang Oh Development, LLC is talking about?
Hidden in plain sight, Sang Oh Development makes it clear that their agenda is to make the area unfamiliar. I'm all for beautifying our neighborhoods. But, do we have to whitewash neighborhoods in order for them to become beautiful? Is there not a way for blighted communities to be renewed without the people being removed?
Take another look at this photo:
We must pay attention to what lies right beneath our noses. They will tell you their plans. DC is Chocolate City. And, we do not need urban removal in order to have urban renewal. We do not need to "Black-out" the community through "Whitewash." There must be a better way. Now, we need to tell those brothers standing beneath that sign: "they're planning to remove you from your 'hood."
Hidden in plain sight, Sang Oh Development makes it clear that their agenda is to make the area unfamiliar. I'm all for beautifying our neighborhoods. But, do we have to whitewash neighborhoods in order for them to become beautiful? Is there not a way for blighted communities to be renewed without the people being removed?
Take another look at this photo:
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