Monday, December 31, 2007

Keeping the City Safe on New Years? Who are You Protecting?

The Powers that Be would like us to believe that racism has been conquered. And, if anyone points out the racism that still permeates our society, they risk being labeled as a rabble-rouser. At risk of such a label I write this post.

I'm watching local news reports on ABC-7 and News Channel 8 today and see these horrible reports on the Metro Police Department's (MPD) New Year's plans. Now, I know that drunk driving incidents are most likely exponentially higher around New Year's - our culture demands that we drink, and some of us appreciate that culture much more than others!

I think we need to do something to ensure the safety of our people. The efforts of local taxi cab companies to provide free rides and Metro's extended hours are commendable. These examples keep people from driving, and thus keep the roads more safe.

Now, look at the MPD's offer. Are they offering to give free rides to your destination after an evening of fun? Quite the contrary: while they are offering free rides, they are taking you to their downtown facilities. The first two options are preventative: they protect the people and serve the community. But wait - isn't "to protect and to serve" the mantra of the Nation's police forces? Just a question...

The MPD will station two (2) mobile sobriety centers "across" the City. Of course, one will be in Southeast DC - which of course is predominantly Black. They didn't state where the other one will be located, but I'll bet you dollars to their donuts that it will be in another heavily Black populated community.

In the news report, you see them arresting several Black community. Not one white person - not even one non-Black person - was seen being cuffed. After showing those arrests, Chief Lanier comes on talking about the consequences for breaking the law. Then the news caster breaks in with, "if that's not enough to deter you, then maybe this might..." The program then flashes to this White family who lost a daughter as a victim of a drunk driver...I can't help but assume - from the tone of the story - that the driver was Black. The story set the tone that the perpetrators are Black and the Victims are White.

But, D.C. is Chocolate City! How can we stand for such a smack in the face? Why are all the arrests in the story of Black people. Why is the only victims of drunk drivers White? Why was this "mobile sobriety center" stationed in Southeast? Why not station it - and conduct the report from - near the boarder with Chevy Chase, MD? I mean countless people will be driving in from there to attend the numerous parties at the various embassies...where we know there'll be heavy drinking. But, that's me thinking...and I could just be a rabble-rouser for thinking that racism still exists. But, maybe you'll start thinking too! Then we can rouse the rabble together!

Peace and prosperity for 2008!