Saturday, August 9, 2008

Pay to Be Maced?

Today, I was a part of something quite disturbing...a learning experience for the youth I work with everyday.

After we dismissed them, a few of these Chocolate City teenagers decided to head to an H St Beauty Supply Store (Southwest Corner of 11th & H St. NE). Upon trying to enter the store, they were greeted by the (Asian) store owner, who threatened to mace two young (Black) girls!

He then ran across the street to us - at the Church - screaming, "Please help me! Come quick!" Our initial thought was that something urgent had happened. Yet, we then heard the story - from the owners mouth and we became completely disgusted.

This pointed to a sign on the door which reads: "no teenage boys or girls allowed." What? You're in a Black community, selling a product highly in demand by black teenage girls and teens are not allowed in your store? I wonder: would he have the same policy in a White neighborhood? Hmmm........

DC is Chocolate City! And, we cannot allow these store owners to profit off of our backs while disrespecting our community. Most Black neighborhoods are not serviced by Black businesses. So, the people are at the mercy of those who do serve our community.

Yet, our money is hard earned. And, those hard earned dollars are the weapons at our disposal to bring about community change. Anyone who is going to threaten to mace young Black girls does not deserve our business.

We must have a critical eye for the businesses in our communities. Do they respect you? Do they respect your money? Do they respect your community? If you have answered no to either of those questions: do you still purchase from these businesses? And, if you have answered yest to this question: why do you know care about the owner's lack of respect?

This is Chocolate City! And, we must help community businesses remember this fact? What have you done lately?

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